Looking for a double WhatsApp app? Or dual WhatsApp so you can open chat on multiple devices?
Do you also want to save WhatsApp status with the ultimate WhatsApp status downloader tool?
You need - Status Saver, Dual & WhatsScan Web QR Scanner the ultimate whatscan app!
WhatsScan and Status Saver is a free WhatsApp QR code scanner & best status downloader app to open your chat on a different device. Meaning it can be your WhatsApp web, WhatsApp tablet, and dual WhatsApp solution.
Use WhatsScan for WhatsApp web, as it's the leading WhatsApp status saver in the market as video saver, photo saver/picture saver & story saver app. Want to download status now? Use WhatsScan as fastsave tool for your favorite snap/photos and videos.
We all love using this amazing messenger, but with our tool, you will love using it even more!
This WhatsApp aid & WhatsApp help tool will allow you to manage your account or accounts much more intuitively and based on your needs. WhatsScan and Status Saver for WhatsApp allows you to use two accounts that are on one device or you can run the same account Whatsapp on a dual device.
Looking for dual messenger for WhatsApp? It's up to you on whether you will clone whatsweb accounts or use dual WhatsApp in one phone.
Our whatsaweb scanning tool is an awesome helper to open a second account on your device.
Connect to your WhatsApp Account by scanning the bar code. You can chat, download media, status messages, etc. See why we are one of the best whats app web tools!
Unlike other dual WhatsApp messenger tools, who offer this sole functionality to have dual WhatsApp on one phone, we expand our usability and offer you the best status downloader. So, our Status Saver feature is used to save status of your friends and family.
How to save statuses?
1. choose a category: images or videos
2. Open image or video and click on download.
3. Finish! images/videos will be saved in the Gallery.
WhatsScan and Status Saver features:
# Simply display this app in your device
# Smart way to use Two WhatsApp accounts with scanning
# Simple way to use
# Also provide you to all information about how to scan QR code
# Nice and simple User interface.
# You can use the same WhatsApp account on mobiles and tablets.
# Whatscan for WhatsApp secured with your Password.
# whatsweb - Double Whatsapp, double the fun!
# You can have dual WhatsApp in a single device!
# You can have your WhatsApp account on dual devices!
# Easy to control children WhatsApp with clone WhatsApp account with whatsweb for WhatsApp.
Now it’s time to take your messaging experience on a new level.
Download the best aid & helper tool to use this popular messaging app wherever and however, you want.
📲Get Status Saver, Dual & WhatsScan Web QR Scanner for FREE!
Disclaimer: WhatsScan and Status Saver use WhatsApp's web.whatsapp.com to login on your other WhatsApp account. It is not an official application or any association with whatsapp inc.
您需要- Status Saver,Dual和WhatsScan Web QR扫描器最终的whatscan应用!
WhatsScan and Status Saver是免费的WhatsApp QR码扫描仪和最佳状态下载器应用程序,可在其他设备上打开您的聊天记录。这意味着它可以是您的WhatsApp网络,WhatsApp平板电脑和双重WhatsApp解决方案。
使用WhatsApp for WhatsApp网站,因为它是市场上领先的WhatsApp状态保护程序,它是视频保护程序,照片保护程序/图片保护程序和故事保护程序。想要立即下载状态?使用WhatsScan作为您最喜欢的快照/照片和视频的快速保存工具。
该WhatsApp帮助和WhatsApp帮助工具将使您可以根据需要更直观地管理一个或多个帐户。 WhatsApp的WhatsScan和Status Saver允许您使用同一台设备上的两个帐户,也可以在双设备上运行相同的帐户。
我们的whatsaweb扫描工具是一个很棒的助手,可以在您的设备上开设第二个帐户。通过扫描条形码连接到您的WhatsApp帐户。您可以聊天,下载媒体,状态消息等。了解为什么我们是最好的Whats App网络工具之一!
与其他双重WhatsApp Messenger工具不同,后者提供的唯一功能是在一部手机上具有双重WhatsApp,我们扩大了可用性并为您提供最佳状态下载器。因此,我们的状态保存器功能用于保存您的朋友和家人的状态。
👍为什么您会喜欢我们的WhatsAPP Manager和HELPER
#Whatscan for WhatsApp已使用您的密码保护。
#whatsweb-Double Whatsapp,倍增乐趣!
📲免费获取状态保存器,双重和WhatsScan Web QR扫描器!
免责声明:WhatsScan和Status Saver使用WhatsApp的web.whatsapp.com登录您的其他WhatsApp帐户。它不是官方应用程序,也不是与whatsapp inc的任何关联。